Urantia Book Readthru

About Us / Origins of Ureadthru

The Global Urantia Book Daily Reading Project (Ureadthru for short), was created by a team of young adult readers in early 2024. The project is funded through a Second Miler Grant from The Urantia Book Fellowship.

Our inspiration for the Readthru calendar came about in this way: Studying The Urantia Book, it occurred to us that we were in the 2000-year anniversary of the life of Jesus. In our calendar it is the year 2024, but based on when the new dispensation began, 30 AD, we are actually in the year 1994 of the new dispensation. Congratulations, we get to relive the 90s!

When pondering the significance of this event, the 2000-year anniversary of the supremacy of Michael, we then wondered if there might be a way that we Urantians could prepare for this event, which will take place in the year 2030. What better thing to do than to read through the whole Book timed to line up with the second millennial anniversary of the big event. The only thing is, it is a really big book!

So then we thought, what would be the ideal pace to read through the Book as a community? Well, the Revelators broke it down to sections. Each section seems to be a single concept that they are trying to communicate, so it makes sense to read one each day – a pace that is not difficult to keep up with.

But what about life? Things get in the way, and sometimes you can’t do the reading. Okay, we will do one section a day but take the weekends off so people can take a break and reflect or catch up if needed. We also thought it would be good to have a longer break over Christmas.

It all seemed to fit, five days a week, 50 weeks a year, brings us to a little under six years to get through the whole Book. We worked back from the day of the resurrection and came up with September 18, 2024 as the start date.

The urge to do this had been percolating among our members for years, but it wasn’t until we came together as a group, in February of this year, 2024, that we were able to follow through with the project, actually printing the calendars and announcing it at the Urantia Association International conference in Baltimore in March. Since then, our team has grown and we have received invaluable help and support from seen and unseen friends.

The universe is all about partnerships. The Midwayers did their part giving us this book, and now it is time for us to do our part by reading it together. In 2030 there will be a change in Resident Governor General, and we will be ready for whatever is next!

We look forward to reading with you!

Erica Montgomery, Devon Landis, Charles Lehner and other behind the scene helpers.

Devon, Charles, and Erica, in front of a USA flag and the Bald Knob Cross of Peace

Originally published with The Center for Unity, 2024-10-21